9/21/99 ---
The Junkyard Band has released a new compilation album that covers all the
music from the 1980's(with Heavy One and Dave #32) up until the break up.
This is a must have for all true Junk Fans.
9/14/99 --- A new issue of the TMOTTGOGO magazine
is on the newstand at P.A. Palace only. It features a article about
Dave #32, what happened, where he's been, and what he's doing. These
magazines are FREE so get to a P.A. Palace quick because we only have a few
8/27/99 --- Northeast Groovers are in the studio working
on their next album. Look for it to dropin the
4th quarter of '99.
6/27/99 --- Little Benny, Lawrence the Maniac and the rest of the Legends band are inviting everyone to come out and join in on a going away celebration for Funky Ned, who will be leaving on July 11, in preparation for the Maxwell tour. As some of you may know, Funky Ned is the bass player for Maxwell as well as The Legends. The festivities will take place at Six Flagg on July 9th, 1999.
3/21/99--- A female musician, named Keva,
has taken Dave's (#32) spot on the front line for the Northeast Groovers.
3/20/99 --- The Icebox is scheduled to re-open with a phat party starring the mighty Northeast Groovers and the JY Band on May 1st.
02/07/99 --- Dave, #32, no longer plays with the Northeast Groovers. Several rumors surround his departure but we will not confirm any of them at this time. He is still looking to play for a another band though...RE? J-Mob?
1/26/99 --- The annual Sidwell Go-Go, held at Sidwell Friends every Spring, has been cancelled this year by school administraters. They thought that because so many heads showed up at the last joint that they would have a crowd control problem this year.
12/1/98 --- Yes, it's true,
there was a fire at the Icebox a couple of weeks
ago and they had to close it down for a while. It should be open during
Christmas weekend.
11/17/98 ---
Pure Elegance, who is currently recording their new CD, is expected to have it formatted, packaged and
released by January 1, 1999
11/26/98 Pleasure, the all-girl go go band, is back in the studio working on another album
to be released sometime first quarter 1999
11/24/98 TMOTTGOGO magazine's 2nd issue will be in P.A. Palace stores next month.
This magazine will be free to the public.
11/23/98 Proper Utensils new album is slated to be released in the middle of December.
The single "Dat's Enuff" is in stores now.